Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Package: 10 ml vial at 150 mg/ml
Substance: Trenbolone mix (Tri Tren)
TRITREN 150 is the trade name of a high-quality drug and the most powerful anabolic steroid Trenbolone. It has gained wide popularity in the world of sports due to his high efficiency in the development of all physical qualities that are valued in bodybuilding and powerlifting.
This development has a connection of three components of multi-ester Trenbolone, which in the combination, produce a new universal drug with great capabilities.
Tri-tren active Ingredients:
– Trenbolone Enanthate – 50 mg
– Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate – 50 mg
– Trenbolone Acetate – 50 mg
The main effects of a Trenbolone mix
– Maximum muscle gain in a short period of time, up to 12kg of dry muscle mass in one course;
– Development of power indicators;
– Able to increase insulin-like growth factor (IGF) levels;
– With a balanced diet, it is able to burn fat;
– Increases libido and sexual desire during the course;
– Lowers the levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.
Trenbolone is 5 times more powerful than testosterone. A couple of days after the start of the course, you will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, plus visible progress will be felt every week.
As soon as the drug is injected into the muscle, the etheric oils are immediately decomposed by plasma lipase, thereby allowing the substance to be released gradually but for a long time in the blood. Undoubtedly, we recommend buying Trenbolone mix to athletes who are eager for a qualitative increase in physical results. However, due to the high probability of side effects, this drug is contraindicated for beginners.
Trenbolone course intake
As a rule, at the initial stage of the course, the minimum working dosage is taken, that is 150mg per week, then from 2-3 weeks, the dose increases to the optimal 300-400mg per week, dividing into two injections, for example, on Monday and Thursday, 150-200mg each. This is done in order to anticipate the occurrence of adverse reactions and prevent them in time. It is important to know that Tren Hex strongly inhibits the production of natural testosterone by the body, in this regard, the duration of the course of Tri-tren without the use of gonadotropin should not exceed 6 weeks.
In the second week after the end of the course, start taking Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), Clomid or Tamoxifen can be used as progestin inhibitors.
To quickly restore the secretion of natural testosterone, it is recommended to start taking Tribulus from the last week. It will restore your endogenous testosterone to a level above normal. The course of Tribulus lasts 3-4 weeks.
Combination with other anabolic–androgenic steroids (AAS)
In fact, there are a lot of combinations with Trenbolone and each of them is definitely subject to different purposes, like drying or mass gain. But in the case of a combination of three Trenbolones, we have a ready-made course in one bottle. The most common combinations are: Trenbolone + Testosterone + Methandrostenolone, or Trenbolone + Winstrol + Testosterone.
Side effects
Most often, taking Trenbolone brings with it such side effects as insomnia, high blood pressure, aggression, acne, hair loss and oily skin.
In very rare cases, the manifestation of gynecomastia is possible. However, side effects will usually only occur with a wrongly executed administration process.
Paul Robertson –
Got some PIP after I did my first injection of this and Test E 250. I plan to post my progress for everyone to read
Ismael Baldwin –
I take 3ml/week for a total of 400 of each compound and I feel like this product is under dosed. Dealing with terrible night sweats from TriTren 150. Already in my sixth week and sometimes the insomnia is unbearable. I plan on adding 4ml/week, 500mg of each compound for the next five weeks and hopefully that will work. It’s effective but I want to be a lot more vascular and have better pumps. I’ll update you all with my cycle
Warren Fox –
Dragon Pharma is effective, the product came fast!
Leroy Wilkerson –
Shipping is extremely fast with californiamuscles-net! And this blend is so smooth I love it. No nasty side effects
Faith Summers –
The product came fast. I used this for my 12 week cycle. I pin 450mg TriTren 150 and 500mg Test E every Tuesday and Friday. I experienced some night sweats and minimal cardio training. But side effects are different for everyone so you might not experience this. I’m very happy with the results. I will place an order again soon.
Tommie Doyle –
So I guess I was way too impatient because the day after I complained about this product being under dosed I felt and saw a difference. Changed my mind about the product. It’s good