Trenbolone 100
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Package: 10 ml vial at 100 mg/ml
Substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate is a powerful steroid that promotes muscle gain, strength indicators, fat burning and creating a beautiful muscle definition during the cutting cycle. It is widely used in bodybuilding and fighting sports.
This aggressive steroid contains an anabolic and androgenic rating of 500% compared to testosterone. This action has the advantage of bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters. It is worth noting the effectiveness of the Trenbolone Acetate during the cutting cycle.
It acts on the body as follows:
- Increases endurance;
- Increases strength;
- Increases sexual activity;
- Lowers cortisol.
Tren Ace Dosages and Cycles
The standard dose is 50-100mg every other day. This dose stably keeps normal concentrations during the entire cycle. When using Trenbolone Acetate for more than four weeks, the following drugs should be included in the cycle: Proviron, Clomid and Chorionic Gonadotropin. This combination will allow you to produce your own testosterone and will not cause side effects.
Trenbolone Acetate is taken individually and in combination with other steroids. A more noticeable result is observed when using it with Anavar or Winstrol. In this case, the dosage will be reduced by 50% for each drug. After the end of the cycle, the dry mass increases.
Side effects
If dosages or cycle lengths are exceeded substantially, then the following side effects may occur:
- Baldness.
- Greasiness of the skin.
- Pimples and acne.
- Decrease in sexual desire.
- Excessive aggressiveness.
Positive feedback substantiates the short time frame, the results obtained, as well as the effectiveness of the drug. Quick and effective preparation for the tournament can be provided thanks to the Trenbolone Acetate!
We offer high-quality Trenbolone Acetate for sale in Propergear. You can find more Trenbolone Acetate products in the Injectable steroids category on our site. See Trenbolone results here!
Robert Kass –
Apart from Dragon Pharma’s products, I’ve also used Geneza Pharmaceuticals and they were both great for building bodies. Using this product, I saw an instant increase in body weight and the side effects weren’t present. californiamuscles-net also had a very accommodating staffs and that is a huge benefit of using them, 100% re-ordering.
Seal Paul –
After 3 weeks of use, I definitely felt different but in a good way. My appetite increased and I gained 15 lbs by the 8th week of my cycle. I will be trying this again for my next cycle.
Jaime Townsend –
I had issues with my first order but californiamuscles-net quickly resolved it and reshipped my order. I got this product on sale and I must say that this really hits hard. I got massive gains by using this along with Cypionate.
Jeff Taylor –
Sticking to one particular brand from this californiamuscles-net because it works. Lost some fat and gained some muscle
Frankie Todd –
Stacking Trenbolone 100 with Test E and making great gains. Bench has gone up and my body fat is going down. I’m astonished I was able to accomplish so much in just one cycle.
Jon Howell –
Fast shipping and discreet boxes are just part of this awesome company. If you are a gym rat like me and watch what you eat, you’ll gain some good muscle mass and burn off that unwanted fat. I keep recommending this source to everyone I talk to
Nick Williamson –
There are a lot of brands out there but this one is the best that I’ve tried so far! The injections are smooth and painless and you feel the effects in just a few weeks. My shoulders are getting more rounded and solid and my bench press went up in weight and reps. Dragon Pharma has the best products around. Next time I order throwing in some Clenbuterol for the wife. californiamuscles-net and trenbolone 100 are professional grade
Lewis Bell –
I got nothing to say about this other than you gotta check out for yourself! Amazing
John Burton –
Ordered Trenbolone 100 and got it a few days before I expected. That’s always a plus when you are using this product in your competition prep cycle. Hopefully I look my best when I step on stage
Trevor Gomez –
I’ve been an enthusiast of californiamuscles-net and this product since it has made me look so damm good. This may have slow effectivity but by week 3 you’ll be able to see dramatic changes in your body. I’ve been using this for 5 weeks and I’ve lost 3% body fat.
Ivan Lopez –
This is the second time I’ve been cycling. For 8 weeks I’ve using Tren and results were to be seen immediately. My libido increased massively as well as muscle mass. This also helped me in my training sessions since I am full of energy due to this drug. This entirely changed my life. I’ve been keeping my cycles at 400 mg per week and did the shots every other day to keep my blood levels consistent. I suggest to use this at 800 mg for no more than 8 weeks.
Spencer Castillo –
For me I got my best result when I incorporated 600 mg of this with Test CYP. This is the best product I’ve ever tried.