Testovorin Depot-250 for sale in Propergear


Testovorin Depot-250 for sale in Propergear


Testovorin Depot-250 for sale in Propergear produced by: BM Pharmaceuticals




Testovorin Depot is an anabolic steroid in ampules with anabolic and androgenic activity 100%. It is a long acting drug used by bodybuilders to actively increase muscle mass.

This drug enters the body at the cellular level and contributes to the activation of metabolic/energy reactions. Testovorin Depot helps to increase the amount of protein produced by the body, which in turn provokes a set of quality mass.

The following effects are also observed:

  • Improving the transport properties of blood;
  • Increase endurance and tone;
  • Acceleration of regeneration at the cellular level.

Testosterone Enanthate is a powerful steroid and it is very important to competently approach its use.

Depending on the athlete’s experience, the dosage of Testovorin Depot can vary greatly – from 250 to 750 mg. Beginners are not recommended to use a dose of more than 250 mg and a cycle of more than 6 weeks. Experienced athletes can increase the volume to 750 mg and extend the cycle to 8 weeks.

Depending on the desired effect, Testovorin Depot can be combined with other steroids: Deca Durabolin, Trenbolone, Winstrol, etc.

In order to avoid the manifestation of estrogenic effects, it is necessary to take anti-estrogens. Ideally, they should be started 1-2 weeks before the start of the cycle. To restore the hormones that are natural to the body, it is recommended to take Chorionic Gonadotropin.

The ability of Testosterone Enanthate to transform into estrogen is the main cause of possible side effects: gynecomastia or edema. To avoid such effects, it is best to take anti-estrogens (Clomid or Nolvadex).

IMPORTANT INFO: Learn more about Testosterone in Bodybuilding, what kind of Testosterone Esters are offered for sale in our store, the most popular ways to run Testosterone only cycle and Post Cycle Therapy to arrange in our blog.