Testo-Non-10 for sale in Propergear

(7 customer reviews)


Testo-Non-10 for sale in Propergear


Testo-Non-10 produced by: Maxtreme
Active substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Mix)
In pack: 250 mg/ml (10 ml)

(7 customer reviews)





Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma

Package: 10 ml at 250 mg/ml

Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Mix)

Testo-Non-10 is a specific mixture of testosterone esters which is usually called Sustanon 250. It is recommended to be used to dramatically increase the amount of testosterone in the body. Sustanon 250 is a combination of 4 esters of testosterone: Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, Propionate and Decanoate. Each form of testosterone is absorbed at a different rate so that taking the drug allows you to constantly maintain a high level of testosterone in the blood.

Effects of Sustanon

Athletes who have already used Sustanon are usually pleased with the result. Many people emphasize that after the start of the course, there is a desire to train intensively. Therefore, the result is does not take long to appear: muscle mass increases much faster. A positive psychological attitude appears. The big advantage of this remedy is that it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, which no longer suffer during training.

With regular use, you can achieve the following effects with Sustanon:

  • Fast muscle mass;
  • Improvements in endurance;
  • Improved appetite;
  • Significant increase in strength.

Recommendations for use

Sustanon is recommended to be used for gaining muscle mass for men over 21 years old, who do not have medical contraindications to taking steroids. The cycle of Sustanon is 5-6 injections over 6 weeks. If running a cycle longer, you should start taking Chorionic Gonadotropin. The steroid is injected intramuscularly 1 time per week at 250-500mg. From the second week of administration, Clomid should be added to Sustanon, and it should be finished 4 weeks after the last injection.

Combination with other drugs

To restore the production of your own testosterone, 3 weeks after the last injection, you should start taking testosterone boosters. Combined reception allows you to achieve excellent results, reducing the likelihood of side effects. Sustanon can be combined with drugs such as Nandrolone Decanoate or Winstrol.

Potential side effects

Since the drug is converted into estrogen, the side effects of Sustanon are:

  • Swelling;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • A decrease in the production of the body’s own Testosterone;
  • A tendency towards a female type of figure.

Please note: Nolvadex or Clomid can prevent these stated side effects from occurring.


We have worked with Maxtreme Pharma for years and receive only positive feedback from our customers. We offer high quality Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Mix) for sale in Propergear, as well as LA, Frisco, San Diego, San Jose, Long Beach, Sacramento, Fresno, Anaheim, Oakland, Riverside, Fremont, Fontana and many others. We can send parcels all over the States.

You can find more Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Mix) in the Injectable steroids category of our site.

IMPORTANT INFO: Learn more about Testosterone in Bodybuilding, what kind of Testosterone Esters are offered for sale in our store, the most popular ways to run a Testosterone only cycle and Post Cycle Therapy in our blog.

Additional information





7 reviews for Testo-Non-10 for sale in Propergear

  1. Francisco Gilbert

    I was hesitant on buying this because of the reviews reporting pain when administering the drug. However, when I used it, I felt no pain whatsoever. I’m currently running 2.5 mL per week incorporated with Maxtreme Pharma’s Dbol for 60 mg per day and 4 mL of Maxtreme Pharma’s NPP. I wanted to a nice winter bulk for the coming season. I will definitely order some more.

  2. Clyde Marsh

    Based on my experience, this is the best Sust I’ve tried. Been on it for the past few weeks and this is absolutely a top grade product. I suggest on not increasing the mls as this is aptly dosed. In the span of 2 weeks, my strength increased as well as my libido. I also suggest on controlling your emotions since this will make you somewhat aggressive.

  3. Ricardo Pope

    During my 12 week cycle I gained about 15 lbs of lean muscle in the first 4 weeks. I’m using this with Dbol and I never felt so strong and never looked so good in my life. Big up californiamuscles-net!

  4. Damon Salazar

    I’ve been using this for 6 weeks at 500 mg per week without any other products, just to maintain my muscle gains and so far its been working great. This is such a great quality product! Thank you californiamuscles-net!

  5. Boyd Blake

    I’ve used 10 vials of this over a year and I must say that this is a really great product. I’ve noticed that there was only a little water retention and I have gained really high amounts of lean muscle mass . I’ve experienced a terrible pain when I injected the contents of the first vial. But overall, its not enough to deter me from using this product again. I highly recommend using this.

  6. Edmund Johnson

    I’ve been using this for 3 cycles now and I’ve gained a total of 10 lbs. After 2 weeks, I noticed that water retention wasn’t too much. After PCT, I used proviron for the maintenance of my gains.

  7. Gerard Bradley

    I’m loving this product. I will definitely update when I end my cycle. Win-win with Maxtreme Pharma.

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