Stanozolol Tablets for sale

(3 customer reviews)


Stanozolol Tablets for sale


Stanozolol Tablets produced by: Maxtreme
Active substance: Stanozolol (Winstrol)
In pack: 10 mg/tab. (100 tab.)

(3 customer reviews)





Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma

Package: 100 tablets at 10 mg

Substance: Stanozolol oral (Winstrol)

Stanozolol Tablets today can be called the most popular drug for the cutting cycle. At the same time, you can successfully use them to obtain high-quality mass in combination with other steroids.

Stanozolol is an oral steroid, which has one rather serious difference from its “brothers”. The drug passes through the digestive system, practically without breaking down and without putting serious pressure on the liver. The second feature of stanozolol tablets will be pleasant for women, as they can safely use it in their steroid cycles.

This drug is a weak androgen and at the same time – the most powerful anabolic. The only thing that can stop you choosing Stanozolol Tablets is when there is a small amount of time before the start of the competition. Metabolites of Stanozolol can remain in the blood for a long time and will be detected by doping control.

See also about winstrol benefits male


A few of the main properties of Stanozolol Tablets include:

  • The substance quickly leaves the body, which makes the steroid an excellent choice for the cutting cycle;
  • After the cycle, your muscles will become more prominent and vascularity will increase;
  • The level of globulin is sharply reduced, which will automatically increase the effects of other steroids used in the cycle;
  • Catabolic reactions are suppressed, which contributes to the preservation of the muscles.

 Dosages and cycles with Winstrol

Based on practice, it is safe to say that a large number of athletes want to purchase Winstrol for drying.  If this is your goal, then you can use an independent course of the drug. During the day, you need to take, dividing into equal parts from 30 to 50mg of Winstrol. The duration of the course directly depends on how quickly the desired effect occurs. Most often, the result occurs at 6 – 8 weeks of the course. If there is a desire to accelerate the effect, then it is worth doing a few cardio workouts and adjusting your diet. In this case, the result will happen in a couple of weeks.  At the same time, there is no need to stop or change strength training, because Stanozolol has a very good effect on the growth of strength indicators.

Winstrol has shown itself very well when interacting with other steroid drugs. The basis of such a “composition” should be an androgen such as Testosterone or Oxymetholone. Inexperienced users can start by combining Stanozolol with Methandienone. These mixtures are perfectly combined and the balance of anabolic and androgenic levels completely eliminates the possibility of side effects. At the same time, it is very important to remember the anti-estrogenic capabilities of Winstrol.

Side effects

A high dose of Winstrol can cause dryness in the ligaments, which can lead to injury, especially against the background of strength training (up to 6 repetitions). Therefore, the recommendations of experts insist on adherence to reasonable dosages when training for 8 or more repetitions.

It is very important to know that the rapid removal of fluid from the body leads to trouble with pressure, of course this is a temporary measure. You just need to be ready for this and get used to this effect. And so, this is a fairly safe steroid. It is often compared to Turinabol because of its mild effect.

 Subsequent PCT after Stanozolol Tablets

After 2-3 days after the end of the Winstrol course, PCT begins. Naturally, everything happens according to the standard scheme, you need to take Clomid or Tamoxifen. If the tests show an increased level of prolactin, then you need to purchase Dostinex (Cabergoline). Post-cycle therapy lasts 10-14 days. To speed up regeneration, some athletes acquire gonadotropin at the end of the cycle.

If you want to use Proviron, you need to take it only during the course. For PCT, its properties are unacceptable, since it has increased androgenic activity.

It is a little easier for women, they do not need PCT, they just need to smoothly reduce the daily rate, negating the intake of the drug.

Buy Stanozolol (Winstrol) in California. Our clients are from LA, Frisco, San Diego, San Jose, Long Beach, Sacramento, Fresno, Anaheim, Oakland, Riverside, Fremont, Fontana and many others. We can send parcels all over the States. We offer high-quality Stanozolol (Winstrol) for sale. You can find more Stanozolol (Winstrol) products in the Oral steroids category on our site.