Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma
Package: 10 ampoules at 50 mg/ml
Substance: Stanozolol Injection (Winstrol Depot)
Stan-Max (Stanozolol) is a strong anabolic steroid drug that has a moderate androgenic index. This drug is different to other steroids in that it is not prone to aromatization and does not adversely affect the liver. At the moment, Winstrol Depot is one of the most popular steroids among both professionals and amateur athletes. Despite the fact that the drug is quite old, its popularity does not decrease with time.
Effects of Winstrol Depot
The range of sports disciplines, in which individuals resort to using Stanozolol is very large, and includes representatives from athletics to bodybuilding. First of all, athletes prefer Stanozolol because of its effects, among which is the stimulation of high-quality muscle development (while the steroid contributes to the removal of excess water from the body, increasing the definition and muscle strength), increasing strength and endurance in athletes.
Dosage and cycle information
To get defined muscles and pronounced venosity, athletes can take a solo course. In addition, power indicators are significantly increased. The course of Stanozolol is suitable for everyone who has sufficient mass and a small amount of fat deposits. Here are some recommendations:
- Since Stanozolol has a short period of action, injections should be given with a frequency of once a day or once every two days;
- It is better to choose intramuscular of the two forms of intake;
- The daily dose that is considered optimal for adult men is 50-100mg (1-2 ampoules);
- The beginning of the course should be carried out with a minimum dose of 25mg, which should be brought to the norm within a week;
- You should take the anabolic for about 6-8 weeks;
- The end of the course (approximately 1.5 weeks) should be carried out with a reduction in the dose to the initial dose;
- For a positive effect, you should simultaneously take sports nutrition such as protein or amino acids during the course.
This advice is sufficient to get good results, with minimal risk of side effects.
Combinations and PCT
Do not forget that Stanozolol can be effectively combined with other steroids in order to increase the mutual effectiveness of the combined drugs. You can add Nandrolone Decanoate to the course, which promotes fluid retention in connective tissues.
To establish the general physiological processes of the body, it will be important to start post-cycle therapy 2-3 days after the course.
Side effects
As for side effects, Stanozolol has earned the fame of one of the most harmless steroids, since it has a low androgenic coefficient and is also non-toxic to the liver. But some side effects may manifest, for example, it may increase cholesterol levels, acne, suppression of the synthesis of natural testosterone and blood pressure. Therefore, using Stanozolol should be taken seriously. Strictly adhere to the schedule of reception and the recommended dosage and side effects should not occur.
Calvin Glover –
I have been using Stan-max and it affected my mental state but I would still use this because this is the only AAS that helped me in getting a dry look! I had the common sides like joint pain but it is tolerable. Would recommend using this if prepping for a contest.
Horace Herrera –
I used Stan-Max at 20 mg 2 years ago and it became my favorite compound! This is my go to in preworkout sessions. I did not felt any sides, my blood works were good and my liver enzymes was in great values. My strength increased so much and I was never even tired when I was on this. My appetite also increased and I never had any puffiness because I ran Stan-Max with proviron. Will continue using this!
Francis Hunt –
I love how I discovered Stan-Max! I have been using this at 50 mg for 4 weeks along with test, mast and anavar. I was looking like the biggest guy in the gym. My vascularity deffo increased and my body looked like a road map. I am truly stoked with this! This is one of the best prep drugs that I ever used! I have never experienced any sides with this except when I overtrained. Got pain in the ankle while on cardio workout. Would probably just monitor my cardio workout when I am on Stan-Max. Still the best product I ever had and will buy more!