Singanitropin 100iu
Manufacturer: Singani Pharma
Package: 10 vials at 10IU per vial
Substance: Somatropin (Human Growth Hormone)
Singanitropin 100iu is a growth hormone that is actively used in bodybuilding. The drug is an analogue of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Singanitropin is available as an injection, and each vial contains 10IU of Somatropin.
Taking the drug helps to reduce fat reserves, leads to an increase in power indicators, rapid muscle gain, improves immunity and the functioning of internal organs.
For the maximum effect, a special high-calorie diet is recommended using Singanitropin.
Depending on the solvent used (water for injection, saline, bactericidal water), the activity of the diluted drug is determined: from 5 days (saline, water for injections) to 3 weeks (bactericidal water). The drug should be stored in the refrigerator.
Dosages and cycle lengths of Singanitropin
Injections are given intravenously and intramuscularly at 5IU (once a day). In the absence of side effects in the second or third week, the dosage can be increased to 10IU per day.
The recommended cycle of use of Singanitropin is 3-6 months in duration. There is a break of several weeks between these cycles.
Possible side effects
Side effects are most often observed in excess of the recommended dosages. Such negative effects are possible:
- Numbness of extremities;
- Increase in arterial pressure and blood glucose levels;
- Fluid retention in the body is also possible.
The reception is not recommended for female athletes.
Sergio Farmer –
Singanitropin changed my life. I used this to correct the imbalances within my physique. When I took it for over 12 months, the effects were very noticable, such as bigger hands, feet, fingers etc. this has given me the feeling of being 18 again in the fct that i can eat anything and still stay slim. My body works so much better when using the hgh. When I stacked some EQ with this, I looked amazing as the eq put some weight on while the gh kept me lean! Really love this stuff and highly rate it.
Orville Underwood –
I ran this sigani pharma hgh for 2 months at 3-5IU daily. The biggest benefit has been the enhanced all over fat burning effect and also the ability to recover much faster from my intensive workouts! This substacne is great and I will contunie using for these amazing effects that it promotes!
Emmett Conner –
One of the biggest guys in my gym said he used Gh and Insulin to get him past his plateau stage and this has to be the way to level up. I have not used the Insulin yet but I have been using the Singanitropin for around two months now and I think I am on track. Since using this, I have gained good amounts of mass, but it does not disapear after the cycle. This is deffo the best stuff to use in BB, I am looking forward to adding in some Insulin when I am at the right level and big enough.