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from the Propergear Warehouse
Primo Tabs
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Package: 50 tablets at 25 mg
Substance: Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan)
Primo Tabs are an oral steroid that is in high demand among bodybuilders. Structurally, Methenolone Acetate is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone with a moderate anabolic effect and a weak androgenic index (44 percent of testosterone). For this reason, the steroid is deprived of most of the side effects that are characteristic of similar drugs.
The most remarkable feature of Primo Tabs is the absence of a toxic effect on the athlete’s body. This property distinguishes them from competitors, which are mostly harmful to the liver. At the same time, unlike some other steroids, this oral product has a relatively short duration of action – about 5 hours.
The appeal for this steroid is likewise because of its female agreeable nature. This is one of only a handful, there are not many anabolic steroids that ladies can use with a high pace of accomplishment. Steroids like Primobolan and Oxandrolone convey exceptionally low virilization evaluations making them ideal for female use.
If we talk specifically about the solo use of the Primo Tabs, then it is capable of the manifestation of the following effects:
- Improving the quality of muscles (definition, vascularity, hardness);
- Increase muscle strength;
- Slight effect on muscle mass.
Methenolone Acetate does not even partially convert to the female hormone estrogen. Therefore, during the period of its use in the male body, there is no aromatization, which is the cause of such defects as gynecomastia, swelling and retention of excess fluids.
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Primo Tabs Dosage and Cycles
The optimal dosage of Primo Tabs is in the range of 50-100mg per day. It is best to start the cycle with the minimum dose (50mg per day). Then, if the side effects do not appear, then you can increase the dose to 100mg per day. As a result, you save yourself from unwanted effects that may still occur during the use of this steroid. A cycle with Primo Tabs should not last longer than eight full weeks.
Combining Primobolan with Other Steroids
Primobolan is a generally excellent steroid to consider in a cutting cycle as a component of a stack.
At the point when utilized alone, ladies and steroid amateurs will have a successful increase in quality muscle. At the point when it is combined with different steroids, there are noteworthy changes. Preferably, Primo Tabs should be combined with steroids which are moderately to exceptionally androgenic yet don’t aromatize or hold water themselves. In such a cycle, the anabolic effect that Primo Tabs can create is ideal. Masteron, Parabolan, Equipoise, and Winstrol, are all reasonable steroids to stack with Primobolan.
The additional administration of Oxandrolone can streamline the effect. Steroid amateurs and beginners accomplish a decent quality in muscle gains. By taking 50-100mg Primobolan/day and 150 mg Winstrol Depot/week. There is additionally no water retention. In any event, athletes report great quality increases with continuously “harder” muscles when taking 150mg Primobolan/day and 50mg Winstrol Depot at regular intervals, just as well as 100mg of Parabolan.
Side Effects
In general, the side effects of the use of Methenolone Acetate are practically absent: the steroid does not lead to hair loss, acne does not appear during its use and there is no disruption in the functioning of the genitals. The only thing that these pills can cause is an increase in aggression, increased excitability and, in rare cases, loss of sleep. So Primo Tabs can rightly be called one of the safest in the modern market of pharmacology.
We offer high quality Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan) for sale in Propergear. You can find more Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan) in the category Oral steroids at our site.
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Gloria Singleton –
I am a female and I use Primo Tablets at 25 mg thrice per week. I am now on my 5th week and I already lost 10 lbs even though I am not truly serious on bulking. My abs are becoming prominent and my strength and endurance dramatically increased. My gym buddies were shocked at how strong I got. Sides were a little mild, clits were bigger but it is not noticeable and my voice was hoarse but this is expected because I smoke cannabis. Aside from that, I did not experience anything more. Would like to try it on a higher dose but I can’t risk having micro dick. Will try this along with Anavar for my next cycle.
Francis Nguyen –
I used Alpha’s Primo for three times already and I gained clean results through this. I used this along with mast and proviron. The results may not be comparable to Tren but with the cost I spent with this, this is the real deal. Got great endurance and size and I am loving it!
Damon Henderson –
This primo makes you lose that extra pounds but I still prefer other compounds like Mast and Tren. Will still use it tho, because the sides are mild unlike the sides I got from mast and tren.