Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Release form: 100 tablets of 20 mg
Active ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol)
Turanabol will allow you to gain quality muscle mass and increase physical performance. The main active ingredient of Dragon Pharma’s drug is Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, also known as Turinabol, which is popular among athletes. The main characteristics of the steroid are powerful anabolic effects with moderate androgenic properties.
For many bodybuilders, an important consideration when choosing steroids is their safety. In this regard, Turinabol can be considered an almost ideal drug, since side effects are extremely unlikely when used. This anabolic has been actively used by athletes for more than a decade and deserves only positive reviews.
You can effectively use it solo or include it in other courses. With all the positive qualities of this drug, the cost looks very attractive.
The effects of Turinabol
The manufacturing company Dragon Pharma recently entered the domestic sports pharmacology market. However, its products have already won the hearts of many athletes. This is primarily due to the high efficiency of drugs like Turinabol and the fact that it’s almost complete safety. The drug is suitable for both beginners, athletes and professionals.
It is important to note that after the course of Turinabol there is practically no rollback. Agree, it is very difficult from a psychological point of view to observe how some of the results are lost after you stop using AAS. With Turinabol, you can avoid this by keeping all of your achievements.
The drug produces a large number of effects on the body, but we will note only the main ones:
- Accelerates muscle growth without retaining fluid in them.
- The hardness of the muscles increases.
- Minimum rollback after completion of the cycle.
- Physical indicators are increasing rapidly.
- Not affected by the aromatase enzyme.
How to take Turinabol
If you are looking for your first anabolic cycle, then Turinabol is an excellent choice for you. When using it, you are insured against side effects, and there will be practically no rollback. Agree, even these reasons are enough to choose Turinabol as your first AAS. Novice athletes will be able to get excellent results after a course of Turinabol.
Turinabol should be taken daily and the dosage starts at 20 milligrams but can be increased up to 60 milligrams depending on your tolerance levels toward the drug. The duration of courses with Turinabol, as a rule, is about two months. Experienced athletes may be advised to use a combined cycle. Most often they use a combination of Turinabol and Testosterone (Propionate). After completing the cycle, remember that there is the need for PCT, the duration of which most often does not exceed 14 days.
Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone can be used individually by women, but they should not exceed a dose of more than 2-5 mg per day. Otherwise, they risk facing the phenomenon of masculinization.
Side effects of Turinabol from DP
Dragon Pharma’s Turanabol, like many other anabolic steroids, such as Methandrostenolone, has a negative effect on the liver. But this drug has no more serious side effects, if you follow the dosage and expert advice, then everything will be fine. Testosterone secretion may decrease slightly, but this is not critical. During PCT, you will successfully restore your own testosterone levels to the desired norm. At you can buy Turinabol, along with all of the necessary PCT products, to create the most effective cycle and have it deliver to anywhere in the USA.
Nick Summers –
Used 60 mg of Turinabol from Dragon Pharma and I really enjoyed using this. This gave me fullness and pumps 24/7. My muscles are noticeably thicker and bigger. It is easy on the stomach and liver unlike other orals such as Dbol. No bloat or anything to be seen and I am mildly euphoric when on cycle. No cons or anything. This may be quite expensive but every cent I spend on this is worth it! Thanks to califonia muscles!
Jackie Marshall –
This was my first time using the Tbol form Drgaon Pharma and loved it. Had some great growth and pumps along with becoming very vascular. Thank you for this product, it has been very effective.
Cody Nash –
I did 30 and 60 mg of Turinabol from dragon pharma and both doses gave me good gains and strength gains but the 60mg was much more efefctive for strength gains. I almost did not feel the differance, apart from me becoming so big! Would definitely recommend and order more from californiamuscles-net.