Real Fertigyn Hormone unpacking video
from the Propergear Warehouse
Pregnyl is a drug whose active ingredient is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This element was first synthesized during the processing of urine from pregnant women. The drug has a stimulating effect on the hormone production of the steroid plan, as it has an effect similar to that of the human luteinizing hormone.
In bodybuilding, Pregnyl is taken to restore testosterone production. Notable is the fact that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is not included in the doping list, so it is widely used in sports. Here it is almost irreplaceable, as it is most often taken after heavy steroid cycles, which reduce the body’s production of natural testosterone. Practically every cycle on which steroids were used ends with rehabilitation with the help of this hormone.
The dosage of Pregnyl is calculated individually for each athlete, taking into account the characteristics of his body, as well as many other factors. The drug is often taken in the middle of the cycle for two to three weeks.
The side effects, depending on who takes Pregnyl, include:
- Men: fluid accumulation in the body, impaired sodium balance, stimulation of androgen production by the body, gynecomastia, increased erection frequency and hypersensitivity.
- Women: pain in the abdomen, nausea, chest pain, diarrhea, ovarian enlargement and weight gain.
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