Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Package: 10 ampoules at 250 mg/ml
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin)
Nandrobolin-250 is a compound of Nandrolone, to which a long ester – Decanoate is attached to increase the action time and half-life of the drug. In this regard, the drug has a feature that will accelerate for a long time. It is a long-lasting process that can go on for up to two weeks, and you will begin to notice its effect only at the beginning of the third week of injections. Despite these particularities, Nandrolone Decanoate will give results for a week after the end of the course.
Deca, as it is often called by athletes, has a good anabolic effect while having a minimal risk of adverse reactions. It is used by athletes to increase the level of performance in sports and bodybuilding.
Properties, action and effects
According to the anabolic effect, Deca is slightly stronger than Testosterone, the anabolic index of Deca is 125% against the 100% of testosterone. The positive side of Nandrolone is its very low androgenic rating – about 37%. This is due to the fact that Nandrolone is similar to Dihydronandrolone, in which the androgenic effect is practically excluded.
The estrogenic activity of Deca Durabolin is very low, it weakly binds to aromatase enzymes that are responsible for the conversion of androgens into estrogens. It is believed that only about 20% of Nandrolone is converted to estrogen. This is due to the fact that the drug is a progestin (like all 19-nor compounds).
Nandrolone is not one of those steroids that take their action in a short time. Its qualities and effects are very noticeable, but without a sharp start. The drug is suitable for long-term courses.
Dosages and rules of injection
This drug is not recommended for beginners because its dosage is suitable for more experienced athletes. The substance is usually injected once a week. Injections are made intramuscularly, in the buttocks, thigh or lateral deltas.
The normal dose is usually in the range of 200-600mg per week. You can find the optimal dose for yourself by multiplying 2-3mg per kg of body weight.
Nandrolone Decanoate is also popular among female bodybuilders, who take much lower doses than men, on average about 50mg per week.
It is recommended to take Nandrolone together with Testosterone. This will maintain normal levels of physiological Testosterone if the stimulation of natural Testosterone is stopped or significantly reduced. After each course of Deca, it is necessary to undergo a post course therapy (PCT).
Combination with other anabolic steroids:
In all concepts, Deca + Methandienone + Testosterone is considered to be a basic course for beginners. This composition is constant and weight gain from such a course is expected to be 10-14kg of pure muscle mass.
Nandrolone is a universal anabolic substance, and can be combined with a variety of steroids quite successfully, both orally or by means of injections. The choice of drugs that you will combine with the Deca depends on the goals that you set for yourself.
Side effects
Progestogenic compounds (such as Nandrolone) are known to increase the prolactin hormone in the body. High levels of prolactin in men often lead to side effects such as gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm) and suppression of endogenous testosterone production.
Prolactin control is achieved by taking prolactin antagonist drugs (such as Cabergoline or Pramipexole). But if you control estrogen, prolactin will also be under control. This means that Tamoxifen or Proviron, a well-known anti-estrogen, can be used. Although the process of controlling estrogen as well as prolactin is a more experienced athlete’s approach to the course. For beginners, we advise you to only use Cabergoline (Dostinex) for prolactin control.
Paul Robertson –
It took about 2 weeks for californiamuscles-net to deliver my package and I ain’t complaining about it since they have the best products. I am on my 7th week of cycle and currently using Maha Sust. at 250 mg incorporated with Decabol 250 of Alpha. I also ordered Gen Shi Labs Deca 1000 to include it in my mid cycle to increase Deca Dose to 500 mg per week. As I was using californiamuscle-net’s products I realized these are the best that I have tried. I’ve been planning to add Geneza oxandrolone to my mix at the end of the cycle to get more leaner. Will order Andromix after my cycle. I will never look at other websites and will only order to californiamuscles-net.