Dbol for sale in Propergear

(1 customer review)


Dbol for sale in Propergear


D – Bol 100 produced by: Dragon Pharma
Active substance: Methandienone (Dianabol)
In pack: 20 mg/tab. (100 tab.)

(1 customer review)






Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

Release form: 100 tablets of 20 mg

Active ingredient: Methandienone (Dianabol)


Dianabol is the most popular oral drug of recent years. Both beginners and experienced athletes love it as it gives a lot of strength and muscle mass. During a “solo” course (without other preparations) it’s possible to put on 10kg and you can read on specialized forums that some athletes can put on 15kg. But one can only achieve such results by having good genetics, training experience, and good nutrition. Dianabol by Dragon Pharma retains water and the athlete usually loses up to one-third of all the gained mass with the water that leaves the body in 2-4 weeks after the course.


The effects of taking Dianabol

  • Increased strength
  • Increased strength endurance
  • Quicker gain of muscle mass
  • Accumulation of fluids and glycogen
  • Acceleration of protein synthesis and rapid recovery
  • Increased appetite
  • Strengthening of joints and ligaments
  • Minimal fallback effect after taking Dianabol

According to reviews, Methane starts to show its effects in about a week.


How to take Dianabol properly?

Everyone wants to know how to take Dianabol and what is the right dosage and usage. We recommend that you consume Methane (Methandienone) at 40mg per day (2 tablets of 20mg). This amount of the steroid is not dangerous for your liver. Even lower dosages of Dianabol may help you gain 3-5kg. Take Methane every day at the same time to get the most out of the preparation. You should take it with water.

You can start the course with 20mg per day and then when growth slows down or is insufficient, increase the dose to 40-60mg. The optimal period for a Methane course would be 40-45 days. If you finish the course any earlier, you are bound to lose all of the gained weight. It is like stopping an accelerated sports car abruptly.

Is there anything better than Dianabol? Yes, there is. It is a combination of Testosterone and Methane! The best option would be Propionate or Enanthate Testosterone with Dianabol. In this case, Methane provides the effect of anabolic presence and ensures the rapid growth of the muscle mass. That’s why before you buy Dianabol, we recommend that you get acquainted with the full range of products.


Possible side effects of Dianabol

  • Acne, which always passes after the course
  • Increased blood pressure due to water retention
  • Gynecomastia if you are prone to it
  • Liver problems (in case of an already damaged liver)

As you can see the side effects are mild and controllable. Methane is excreted from the body in a few hours, so in case of any severe side effects, just stop the intake and the next day let your body rest and recover.

All side effects occur only when the adequate dosages are exceeded. Taking over 50mg of the drug per day will not give any benefits and at the same time will pose some damage to the liver and negatively affect the process of conversion of male hormones into female ones. A course of Dianabol based on an adequate dosage gives a totally safe doping effect.


PCT after Dianabol

Dianabol post-cycle therapy starts 2-3 days after the completion of the cycle and standardly involves Clomid or Tamoxifen. You can also use Anastrozole during the course to avoid aromatization. PCT duration is two weeks. In case of a longer course, use injections of Gonadotropin. After combined courses based on Testosterone esters, you can begin PCT later (in the case of Enanthate).

The rebound after Dianabol does happen, but it is caused by fluid utilization, and not by a significant loss of muscle mass, as some people mistakenly believe. If you carefully study the “how to take” section, and follow the recommendations, the rebound phenomenon will be minimal.

An affordable price is one more reason to order Dianabol.