Cypionate 250 for sale in Propergear

(12 customer reviews)


Cypionate 250 for sale in Propergear


Cypionate 250 produced by: Alpha Pharma
Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
In pack: 250 mg/ml (10 amp)

(12 customer reviews)





Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma

Package: 10 ampoules at 250 mg/ml

Substance: Testosterone Cypionate


Fans of power sports and steroids actively use Testosterone Cypionate to achieve records and win in competitions. The only thing that differs from Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate is the absence of a classical half-life. The half-life of Testosterone Cypionate is somewhere in the period of 4 and 8 days. The pronounced anabolic effect was the reason why this drug became so popular.

Regardless of the price of Testosterone Cypionate, athletes buy the drug by any means. As a rule, the substance is used for increasing muscle mass and building beautifully defined muscles.



Like all injectable Testosterone esters, the Cypionate ester has the following advantages.

  1. Excellent stabilization of the androgen receptor by Testosterone.
  2. Pronounced anabolic and androgenic effects.
  3. The ability to perform as an anti-catabolic drug.
  4. Compensation of glycogen in case of its deficiency.
  5. Accelerated increase in muscle mass.
  6. Production of additional lubrication required when lifting heavy weights.
  7. Excellent interaction with other steroids.

The substance is easily converted into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone.

Important! Before using Cypionate, you should get better acquainted with Propionate and Enanthate.

Related Article About Testosterone Cypionate steroid profile

Methods of use and dosages

A Testosterone Cypionate solo course is designed for a weekly dose of 200 to 800mg. The best dose for beginners is 200-400mg. The frequency of injections is once every 7 days.

Important! When buying a steroid, pay attention to the concentration of the active substance. Each manufacturer has a different concentration.


Combined courses

Testosterone Cypionate can be the only one on the course or combined with other steroids:

  • Nandrolone – from 200 to 400mg for 7 days;
  • Trenbolone – from 200 to 400mg for 7 days;
  • Boldenone – from 600 to 800mg for 7 days (no more than 2 months);
  • Testosterone Enanthate – from 600 to 800mg per week;
  • Methandrostenolone – from 30 to 50mg per day;
  • Turinabol – from 30 to 40mg per day;
  • Stanozolol – from 30 to 40mg per day;
  • Testosterone Propionate – 100mg per day;
  • Oxymetholone – from 20 to 50mg per day.

It is extremely necessary to supplement the course with aromatase inhibitors (Anastrozole or Letrozole).


Side effects

The use of the drug is strictly prohibited by women, of course, if they do not want to become men. Side effects with strict compliance with the instructions are very rare. The main side effect is an increase in the level of estrogen and the appearance of gynecomastia, the first signs of which are manifested in the form of a seal near the nipples. It will be ideal to stimulate the genitals with HCG, at the end of the course for 1500-2000 units per week.



Former athletes and current bodybuilders in the United States note that Testosterone Cypionate is not for beginners, since it requires compliance with a strict and long-term scheme to achieve effectiveness. Moreover, the risks of gynecomastia and other problems are very high.