Real Caberlin unpacking video
from the Propergear Warehouse
Caberlin 0.5 is a drug that acts on dopamine receptors that inhibit prolactin production. Prolactin is a substance that badly affects not only the achievements of the athlete, but also the immune system as a whole.
The drug affects the dopamine receptors in the pituitary gland. Dopamine – the so-called “hormone of happiness”, is produced in a dream or during an emotional lift.
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By stimulating the production of dopamine, Caberlin inhibits prolactin secretion, which causes the following effects:
- Improving the quality of the steroid cycle;
- Improvement of the emotional state;
- Strengthening the immune system;
- Improved testosterone production;
- Improved potency.
Also, while taking Caberlin, many athletes accelerated the recovery process between intercourse. In general, the effect of the drug strengthens both the physical health of a person and emotional health.
In bodybuilding, Caberlin is used during the cycle of taking Nandrolone, Trenbolone and other progestin steroids. It is also used when an increased level of prolactin is detected in the body.
Side effects from Caberlin are manifested in two cases: due to excess dosage, as well as in case of intolerance to the active substance. Excess dosage leads to an excessive reduction in the level of prolactin, and this is fraught with deterioration of immunity, lethargy and other unpleasant effects. It should be noted that the drug lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive should not use it.
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