Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Package: 50 tablets at 10 mg
Substance: Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Oxanabol is an anabolic drug manufactured by the world-famous company Alpha Pharma. The drug was originally created to strengthen the immune system in patients with AIDS / HIV, but due to its characteristics, it gained high popularity in bodybuilding. The reason for the high demand for Oxandrolone in bodybuilding is its high anabolic and relatively low androgenic index.
The effect of Oxandrolone by Alpha Pharma
According to athletes, in 6 weeks of the course of Oxandrolone, you can add up to 3kg of lean muscle mass, and also by increasing the secretion of growth hormone, it is also good to dry out! In addition to the fact that after the course there is no rollback, in parallel with gaining mass and fat burning, you can:
- Increase strength;
- Increase productivity and endurance in training;
- Improve muscle definition;
- Strengthen immunity;
How to take Anavar
Anavar by Alpha Pharma can be used by athletes from the age of 17! This makes it possible to use this drug for adolescents and women without any side effects. If you are a beginner, the optimal daily dosage is 60mg of Anavar.
The reception scheme is as follows:
- After waking up, you take 20mg (2 tablets) of Anavar at about 9am
- The next reception is carried out at 6pm (2 more tablets)
- The final 2 tablets are taken at night, before bedtime.
- It is best to take the drug during or after meals with water.
Important Notice! You should not change your daily sequence of use, since this scheme allows you to ensure that the drug enters your body evenly without any jumps.
On the course, we also recommend using: BCAA, protein, gainer and vitamin complexes.
Do not forget that if you follow a well-designed diet and training 3-4 times a week, you will achieve maximum results from the course. After a course of Oxandrolone, you will need to do PCT (Post-cycle therapy) in order to restore your hormones to their normal values. PCT should be started the day after the last pill and done for 3 weeks or more. (Depending on vitals and course duration).
If you are a beginner, we recommend using a solo Oxandrolone course. This course will perfectly show itself in the recruitment of lean muscle mass and the improvement of strength indicators. Also, during the course, you can noticeably dry out (up to 3% of adipose tissue per course). If you want to make your own individual course, remember that Oxandrolone Alpha Pharma works well with all types of anabolic steroids.
Anavar side effects
As with any other anabolic, if you do not exceed the recommended dosages and follow the dosage regimen, then the side effects will not affect you. Alpha Pharma Oxandrolone is clinically proven to cause no side effects at dosages up to 80mg per day. If you suddenly decide to increase the dosage, then be prepared for the following side effects:
- Testicular atrophy;
- Sluggish erection;
- Hypertrophy of the prostate;
- Nausea
- Increased blood pressure
In general, if you do not have a predisposition to side effects and your tests are normal, then you don’t have to be afraid of side effects.
Where to buy Anavar
You can always buy Oxandrolone in our online store of anabolic steroids at an affordable price. We guarantee you will buy only original drugs from Alpha Pharma, which are identified by codes on the official website, fast delivery and complete anonymity.
Ricky Long –
I really love using Alpha Pharma’s Anavar! This is my go to oral! I use this at 30 mg pre-workout and my pumps are great and my strength definitely improved! It makes my workouts better during cuts and I was able to focus a lot more. I only use this during cutting cycles as I have not tried it for bulking. But for cutting, this works wonders for the body!
Frederick Lawson –
Anavar from Alpha Pharma is one of the best Var compound in the market! The gains are slower but it is steady and fully keepable also. I take this at 40mg and the only downside was a slight loss of appetite. It made me look harder and it made me look lean! In just 1 month, I was able to lose 3 to 4 kilograms without any loose skin. During the last 4 weeks of my cycle, I used anavar along with winstrol and it made me look dry, defined and hard! I’ve been out of Anavar for 6 weeks and the gains I had when I was using this I still have! I will never switch brands or products anymore, as the Alpha is just the best!
Bonnie Paul –
I used the Anavar from Alpha Pharma at 40 mg daily. This beats the Tbol I was using in every way. Anavar has more aesthetic effects than Tbol and it also gives me little to no sides. Used Tbol and it gave me HBP even though I used it at a low dose. With Alpha’s Anavar, the pumps and visual effects are amazing. Highly rate this product!