Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin)

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Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin)

Nandrolone Decanoate is an anabolic steroid drug approved for use by both sexes.

Effects of Use

According to reviews of athletes who used Nandrolone Decanoate, it provides such results:

  • Active growth of muscle mass (up to 8 kilograms per course, while the rollback after the end of therapy is minimal);
  • Strengthening bone tissue by retaining large amounts of calcium;
  • Reduction of pain in particular joints due to enhanced synthesis of synovial (articular) fluid;
  • An increase in the rate of erythrocytes in the bloodstream, which increases the transport of oxygen;
  • Immunity strengthening.


A single dosage for men is 200 milligrams, for women – 100 milligrams. Injections are taken one time every 7 to 28 days.

Adverse Reactions

Since drug administration implies a long interval between injections, undesirable reactions are rarely observed. However, athletes who want to achieve a quick effect and exceed the recommended dose may have the following negative effects:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Decrease in the level of platelets in the blood, provoking poor blood clotting, which is fraught with:
    1. Nasal bleeding.
    2. Weak wound regeneration.
    3. Sebaceous gland dysfunction.
    4. Acne.
    5. Severe headaches.
  • Disruption of the testicles and a decrease in the norm of gonadotropins, triggered by a decrease in the;
  • Synthesis of its own testosterone;
  • Violations of potency and erection;
  • Gynecomastia (growth of deformed breast tissue).

Top reasons why athletes buy Deca Durabolin and other performance-enhancing drugs from

Fast & Secure Delivery

Every order of Deca Durabolin is shipped to the USA via USPS. A tracking code is provided within 2-4 business days after approved payment. You can expect delivery of your purchase within 5-12 business days after tracking code is online.

Secure payment option

We are the only steroids provider where you can buy medical quality Deca Durabolin with credit card payments: Visa, Mastercard, and Debit cards

Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality

Our shop offers Nandrolone Decanoate by world-famous brands with the highest possible quality control and factory sealed packages. We do not sell Deca Durabolin in garage-made vials or in a form of raw powder.

Full-time customer support

Our team offers full-time customer support. We provide pre-sale and post-sale assistance so you are in safe hands and all your concerns will be taken care of.