Generic Stendra (Avanafil)

A modern man wants to feel confident every day. Many drugs for potency increasing are ineffective or have many side effects. Thanks to long-term research of scientists, an innovative drug Avanafil appeared. What is unique about Avanafil? How and when can it be applied? Are there any contraindications?

Most men over 45 years old periodically face the problem of erectile dysfunction. Use of many drugs becomes undesirable, because unwanted side effects may occur, which can exacerbate other health problems.

How Avanafil works?

To understand why the reviews about Avanafil usage are so positive, you need to understand how this drug works.

Why is Avanafil better

The relatively safe and effective precursors of Avanafil include the following:

Advantages and disadvantages of this product

Before you buy Avanafil, it is important to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the drug. The advantages of the drug include the following:

  • speed of getting the effect
  • lack of pressure drops
  • price


You can use Avanafil after carefully studying the indications and contraindications. Some do not like the cost of the drug, but few know that there is a stendra generic.

This drug is successfully used by men in many countries, but its certification was not passed in the USA. This is a full-fledged analogue, of which there are very few in the medical market. Although you can’t buy a Stendra in a regular pharmacy, it can be ordered by direct delivery from abroad.

Stendra has the same benefits as Avanafil. The Indian Corporation has released another effective drug, identical in composition, but with the addition of a vitamin complex.

It is important to pay attention to your health and take into account not only the satisfaction of sexual desires, but also the natural limits of the body. Therefore, you need to use Avanafil only in accordance with the instructions. So you can only benefit.

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