In the world of bodybuilding, there are a lot of supplements and steroids that can be used in order to achieve great results. There are a lot of anabolic steroids that have been utilized greatly in this field, and some of the greatest bodybuilders of all time are known to have used steroids in their time. One of these steroids is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, also known as Tren Hex, or Parabolan. Now let us go over all the facts that Tren Hex users must know and remember in order to get the most out of this steroid.
What is Parabolan (Tren Hex)?
Parabolan is the street name of the steroid Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, also known as Tren Hex. This steroid is one of the esters of Trenbolone. It has been known to provide great training results in bodybuilding, and is one of the best options for bodybuilders who are looking for a cutting steroid.
If you want to learn what is a PCT, read this article.
Parabolan is a favorite among competitive bodybuilders because it provides great muscle mass, and is well suited to the low levels of estrogen that many of these athletes need. It also has fairly high androgenic qualities, making it perfect for increasing strength as well as providing plenty of energy.
Read More About The Potential Parabolan Side Effects
Although this Trenbolone steroid may have some potential negative effects, Tren Hex is still one of the safer and more versatile steroids. Parabolan can be easily administered in other forms than just an injectable solution, including transdermal creams and gels. Bodybuilders who are interested in doing steroid cycles with Parabolan should be aware that this steroid can irritate the lining of your skin and cause severe acne that lasts for up to a week after the last application.
We also have an article about what is Testosterone Enanthate, read about it here.
How to Take Trenbolone Hex and What are the Best Parabolan Dosages
There are multiple ways to take anabolic steroids in bodybuilding. There are steroids that need to be injected, there are oral steroids, steroid gels, and more. In this case, Tren Hex is administered via injection. The best Parabolan dosage will depend on the user’s needs, body type, and current cycle details. However, the typical Tren Hex dosage ranges from 50mg to 100mg.
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The steroid is usually taken for a month and a half cycle, or six weeks, without the usage of Gonadotropin. Because of the considerable inhibition of androgenic testosterone production in the body, this medicine should be used in the second week of the cycle. Once a week, 500-1000 cc of gonadotropin should be injected. The duration of long-term PCT (post-cycle therapy) is two weeks. If the purpose of the cycle is to enhance muscle mass, then using Primobolan together will yield the best results. It is given once every seven days in the amount of 100-300 ml. The weekly dosage is split into two injections.
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Keep in mind that before injecting Tren Hex, you should first consult your doctor in order to know how much of the steroid is needed for you to have good results. Otherwise, you will experience negative steroid side effects from it.
Parabolan (Trenbolone Hex) Dosage for Beginners
Those who are new to Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate should not take the steroid at a high dosage since they are new to the effects of it. The best Parabolan dosage for them are quite low, ranging from 50mg/week to 100mg/week. This Trenbolone dosage will help them adjust to the effects that the steroid will cause. Once their bodies have grown accustomed to the steroid, they can increase the dosage to at least 200mg/week to maximize the effects.
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Parabolan Cycle, and the Best Trenbolone Hex Cycle Dosage
Using the steroid in a cycle is one of the best ways to utilize Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate in bodybuilding. As a matter of fact, it has been proven that using Tren Hex in a cycle is the most efficient way to use it. The best Trenbolone cycle dosage usually ranges from 100-200mg per week. As a steroid, Tren Hex is most commonly stacked with testosterone or nandrolone in order to create a more potent cycle.
Do you want to know what is a cycle? Then click on this article and find out.
The solitary cycle of Parabolan allows you to gain great power and weight. The steroid is coupled with medications such as Oxandrolone, Stanozolol, Methandienone, Primobolan, Boldenone, and Oxymetholone, as well as testosterone esters, to improve this action. The medicine has the advantage of being able to be used in conjunction with any anabolic steroids chosen for the specific goal. The lack of aromatization eliminates the need for antiestrogens after the cycle is broken.
Learn more about Tren Cycle here.
Potential Parabolan Side Effects
Excessive dosages and cycle durations of this steroid nearly always result in adverse effects. If an athlete disregards the instructions, he or she may develop high blood pressure, sleeplessness, excessive aggressiveness, baldness, acne, diminished libido, and a weak erection. These side effects are similar to those of other oral steroids and are likely due to the high level of progesterone. Hormones are not foolproof in their efficiency though, as the body’ system can sometimes be resistant to them.
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The receipt on the cycle of Gonadotropin or Cabergoline is an important condition. The toxic effects on the liver are mild. With a few instances, androgenic effects are present, while estrogenic effects are not. It is not advised to use the medication with Ephedrine or Clenbuterol.
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Trenbolone Hex Reviews and Parabolan Results
Novice athletes are more likely to give negative feedback. Beginners wrongly believe that red urine is caused by liver impairment. This is an entirely incorrect interpretation. Because metabolites are expelled with urine, it turns reddish.
Experienced athletes, on the other hand, frequently react favorably to the steroid.
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They observe a speedy and considerable rise in mass, including among experienced athletes, as well as an increase in libido, strength indicators, and a good fat burning effect.
The proper use of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate will lead to great results that can be visible. For starters, one of the most obvious result of a proper Tren Hex use is the loss of fat and the increase of lean muscle mass that can happen simultaneously throughout the use of the steroid. Another result that can be seen from Parabolan is the increase in levels of free testosterone while the estrogen levels go down as well.
Other positive effects that come from Tren Hex include increase in energy levels, better recovery time, and an increase in libido.
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Final Thoughts
There are a lot of amazing steroids that can be used in the world of bodybuilding, and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is definitely one of them. The steroid is known to provide great results such as increased lean muscle mass, fat loss, higher levels of Testosterone, better strength, and a very impressive rate of recovery.
We also have an article about the Different Types of Testosterone Esters. Read it here.
The greatest aspect about Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is that it is one of the best injectable steroids that require a low dosage. While it can be used in bulking and cutting cycles, Tren Hex is often used as an off-season bulking steroid, and it can provide great results while maintaining healthy levels of testosterone. If you are interested in using this steroid, we recommend that you either get the liquid out of cold or the oil out of refrigerated solution. If you are looking a steroid that can be useful in many aspects, then look no further than Tren Hex (Parabolan).
See info about Parabolan is a strong androgenic anabolic steroid
Just insane… Basically, I increased my aggression and developed insanely full and defined muscles with just a small Parabolan dosage. Even if it happened to me with any other tren, I occasionally experienced night sweats and felt more irritable. For me Tren hex is one of the best steroids ever.
I have good experience with using Trenbolone Hex steroid, increased sexual aggression, mild drowsiness, increased body temperature, and increased aggression were all present. Parabolan results are amazing!
I’m not going to lie after reading trenbolone hex reviews, I was really nervous about starting my first cycle of Tren. I had done a lot of research and knew that it was a powerful steroid, but I wasn’t sure if it was right for me. After talking to my coach, I decided to go ahead and give it a try. The results I got with the Tren cycle were amazing. I felt stronger and more powerful than ever before.
About three years ago, I utilized my first Parabolan cycle, together with Sustanon during the good times. I am doing a Trenbolone Hex cycle dosage of 200mg a week, having produced astonishing benefits for me. Since then, I’ve tried a few different bottles of tren, but this one is still among the best. Perhaps, it was my first powerful compound!
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started taking steroids, but I was pleasantly surprised by the Parabolan results. I noticed an increase in energy and strength within the first week of taking it, and by the end of the second week, I had gained a significant amount of muscle mass. I didn’t experience Parabolan any negative side effects!
I’m observing that the muscular regions are much more affected by growth than in previous classic Deca Dbol. On the other hand, Parabolan cycle (especially the shoulders, back width, upper pectorals, and arms), muscle is denser and less watery. Parabolan results in a very strong and defined muscle.
I’m currently bulking with Tren Hex and Sustanon. My weight has increased by roughly 11 pounds, I have less water retention, and I can clearly see my abs after precisely two weeks. Trenbolone Hex is a great, strong steroid that is perfect for lean mass.
Since I’ve started taking 250 mg of Trenbolone Hex, I’ve been gaining weight. Trenbolone Hex cycle dosage is 225 mg per week. The first week I was on it, I gained 8 pounds in 5 days and from my 2nd week on the weight gain has been steady. In addition to that, I’ve noticed some muscle definition/gains and strength which is good for a 40 year old.
Growing with Parabolan is undoubtedly possible, but I think it will be slower and more definitive than other bulking agents. The only drawback is that consuming 350–400 grams of pasta and rice daily takes a lot of work due to a poor appetite. Also, Parabolan dosages are usually quite high, and I don’t think this will be a problem for most users.
Yes, my primary bulking agent will be 750 to 1000 mg of Parabolan dosages. It sounds cool to take 1000 mg of Parabolan along with 50 mg of tren ace ed and 50 mg of dbol ed. The irony is that I still have a test, tren, and dbol to use. I don’t believe I’m at all estrogen sensitive; I can run large doses of dbol and test without experiencing gyno. Because of this, I adore Tests so much.
Parabolan is thought to be the greatest AAS available, serving a variety of functions, including promoting development via IGF. Parabolan results in an increase in IGF-1 production by the body, which is a primary driver of muscle growth. Parabolan also has some effect on testosterone and is also known to reduce estrogen levels.
I love Trenbolone Hex. You can tell that it’s been on the market so long because it has a loyal following and tons of reviews. I’ve been using Tren Hex for years and have not had any issues–I’m in the best shape of my life now. If you’re looking for muscle, this is the way to go.
A pretty effective cycle for adding some size is one with a gram of test, 50mg of Dbol, 50mg of Trenbolone Hex, and no AI (but perhaps 20mg of Nolva per day). Very simple to understand and effective. As per Trenbolone Hex reviews , there is a lot of growth in the muscle and fat loss.
I love Parabolan because it has allowed me to power through my workouts and keep my gains coming. Parabolan dosages range from 300mg per week to 800mg per week. I have been using the same dosages for a while now and they really work well.
I’ve been working out at the gym for years and have never really achieved any significant results, but as soon as I started using Parabolan cycle, I saw my muscles getting stronger and more dense. My Parabolan results was so rapid that within 3 months I had to buy a new set of clothes because my old ones were too big.
I have been using Parabolan to cut and bulk for the past 3 years and I have never felt better. Parabolan results helped me lose weight, gain muscle, and gain strength. I can’t say enough good things about it.
Bodybuilding is not a year-round sport, but there are many muscles that require conditioning during the off-season. Trenbolone Hex is an amazing steroid and highly recommend it to anyone looking to maintain their muscle mass while they ease back into training. Trenbolone Hex cycle dosage is between 500 and 600mg per week, injected twice a week.
Parabolan is the best anabolic steroid ever made and I know because I used it! It’s perfect for bodybuilding because it gives you the best of both worlds. It has the lean muscle mass of a traditional steroid and it has the hard lean muscles of a cutting agent. Parabolan dosages are very high and this is why it’s so popular. If you’re serious about bulking then you should be using Parabolan, but if you’re looking to cut then you should be using Parabolan. It will help you lose those stubborn fat around your abs and legs.
In my Trenbolone Hex review, it is the best bodybuilding supplement on the market. It helped me gain a lot of weight and size, without having to worry about worrying about side effects. Trenbolone Hex was really easy to use and I felt an immense difference in my workouts from before using it to after I started.