TestoRapid (ampoules)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Package: 10 ampoules at 100 mg/ml
Substance: Testosterone Propionate
TestoRapid is an injectable steroid produced by Alpha Pharma that is one of the most sought after by athletes. The active substance Testosterone Propionate has an anabolic and androgenic effect, with a long period of action. A feature of Testosterone Propionate is a pronounced result – an increase in muscle mass. This drug is often used in sports practice among athletes to acquire good quality body musculature and high strength indicators. Testosterone Propionate is also used in a cutting cycle during the drying process.
Testosterone Propionate effects
The main benefits from the use of “Test Prop” are:
- Rapid transformation of power indicators expressed by power and perseverance;
- Reduction of fatty layers;
- Libido increases;
- Gaining high-quality muscles;
- Increases the strength of bone structure.
Recommendations for use
The optimal dose of Testosterone Propionate by Alpha Pharma is 100-200mg (with an interval of 1-2 days). This is quite enough to achieve a significant result. The total cycle duration of Testosterone Propionate is 6-10 weeks; after which it is recommended to take a break for several months.
Novice athletes are advised to use no more than 50mg of the drug every other day in order not to provoke side effects. For women, Testosterone Propionate is not recommended at all, since the probability of virilization is high.
Testosterone Propionate works well both solo and in combination with other steroids, for example, with Masteron, Trenbolone, Winstrol, etc.
Possible side effects
When using Testosterone Propionate, the production of endogenous testosterone is actively suppressed, it can recover on its own in 2-3 months after the end of the course. But in order to maintain the results and your own health, you need to restore it as quickly as possible, and therefore it is recommended to take Gonadotropin during the course at a dosage of 500 units once a week, starting with the second.
In order to avoid hormonal disturbances, as well as gynecomastia and other side effects associated with the aromatization of testosterone, Post Cycle Therapy is necessary. Well-proven drugs such as Proviron, as well as Nolvadex or Clomid.
In normal dosages, it does not affect the liver or kidneys.
IMPORTANT INFO: Learn more about Testosterone in Bodybuilding, what kind of Testosterone Esters are offered for sale in our store, the most popular ways to run a Testosterone only cycle and how to arrange Post Cycle Therapy in our blog.
Bobbie Joseph –
Very good quaity prop. tested the alpha amps (testorapid) and came back 99.89%. This product is very well dosed and is suspended in some great quility oils and has no PIP or impuraties. Great product here from alpha.
Erin Gutierrez –
Did not expect to see such good quality amps when I recieved my Alpha Pharma Test P from californiamuscles. These looked relly good and after the initial pin, I could feel it working within the day. After day 3, my strength and libido was through the roof. A really effective product! I will certainly be buying more of this Testorapid form AP!
Colin Welch –
This alpha test prop is the best I have ever used! The oil is smooth and the clean. The hard gains are unbelievable as well as the strength increases. Will definitely order more!