Manufacturer: Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Package: 12 ampoules at 25 mg/ml
Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Aquaviron is an injectable, water-based drug containing testosterone without an ester. Testosterone Suspension is a drug used in the treatment of male hypogonadism caused in light of low testosterone levels. It helps in restoring the level of testosterone in the male body. Testosterone Suspension is infused directly into the skin or muscles.
Bodybuilders know that Testosterone Suspension is a powerful weight-building agent. Testosterone Suspension is considered the strongest and most affordable injectable steroid that provides rapid build-up of strength and muscle mass. This is mainly due to the rapid action of the drug, since the steroid dissolved in water enters the blood immediately after injection.
After administration, Testosterone Suspension quickly spreads through the blood and gives the most pronounced effects:
- Pronounced increase in muscle mass without kickback;
- Saturation of the body with strength and high-speed capabilities;
- Endurance in the period of serious loads and preparation for competitions;
- Increase in energy potential and efficiency;
- Reduction of fatigue and pain threshold during training;
- Removal of subcutaneous fat in a large volume;
- Strengthening of the bone system;
- Increase in sexual activity, libido and erections;
- Normalization of the emotional background and increase of self-esteem.
The most common practice is to inject Testosterone Suspension every one to two days. The dosage may vary depending on the need and but is usually within the range of 50-300mg per injection. Athletes wishing to achieve very rapid weight gain inject 100mg per day. In most cases, this cycle literally works wonders, as a very strong increase in muscle mass is achieved in a short time.
Read about The best steroids to start with
Side effects
As with any strong androgen, Testosterone Suspension can cause a number of side effects. Beginner athletes have experienced rapid estrogen conversion. Testosterone Suspension causes more water retention than other esters. The symptoms of gynecomastia develop rapidly during the cycle, and as a result, it is highly recommended to take antiestrogens. The combination of Nolvadex and Proviron effectively helps to avoid problems if you start to apply them from the beginning of the cycle.
The most broadly perceived side effects of this medicine are skin break outs, chest development, coarsening of voice and injection site reactions (torment, growing, redness).
Consequently, you should be cautious in choosing your dose and abstain from taking higher doses. On the off chance that you experience any uneasiness during the use of the steroid, at that point you ought to quickly quit taking Testosterone Suspension and talk to a specialist. Overdose or abuse of Testosterone Suspension may be harmful for your body.
IMPORTANT INFO: Learn more about Testosterone in Bodybuilding, what kind of Testosterone Esters are offered for sale in our store, the most popular ways to run a Testosterone only cycle and to arrange Post Cycle Therapy in our blog.
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