Fitness at home while quarantine pt. 4: 20-Minute Muscle Attack

20-Minute Muscle Attack

Today we are posting chapter 4 from our “Fitness and social distancing” series (part 1, part 2, part 3 are here). We hope you will stay active and this will boost your immune system and this period will pass you by without any damage. Our 20-minute workout can be done anywhere in your house.  From beginners to those more advanced individuals, feel the pump and shock your system with these exercises: **After each circuit, rest for 2 minutes.  Repeat the circuit 3-4 times.  The goal is to do this 3 times per week.  Keep in mind that a clean, healthy diet along with a good anabolic cycle will only enhance the benefits of this explosive routine.

Muscle Group Exercise Reps
Legs Bodyweight Squat 20
Chest/Delts Incline Push-Up 20
Abs Hip Thrust 20
Legs Walking Lunge 20 (10 each leg)
Chest/Delts Standard Push-Up 20
Abs Crunch 25

**For the incline push-up, put your feet up on a chair or couch.  Make sure to always have a bottle of water handy.  You may also want to keep a hand towel nearby.  And don’t forget about warming up those muscles with a few simple stretches! This workout can be utilized by men and women.  Stay healthy and strong, even when you can’t physically go to your local gym.  

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