Fitness and virus pt. 3: 90-Minute Full Body Blaster

Today we are posting chapter 3 from our “Fitness and social distancing” series (part 1 and part 2 are here). We hope you will stay active and this will boost your immune system and this period will pass you by without any damage.

This is for those fitness enthusiasts who can’t get enough exercise!  A full hour and a half workout that is guaranteed to provide amazing results!

Don’t forget to create enough space in your home, keep a bottle of water nearby, pump up the volume on your stereo and get your head in the game!!!

30 Minute Full Body Circuit #1 (Repeat 5x)

  • Push Ups 10 Reps
  • Burpees 20 Reps
  • Mountain Climbers 30 Reps
  • Squat Jumps 40 Reps
  • Plank Hold for 50 Seconds

20 Minute Upper Body Circuit #2 (Repeat 4x)

  • Push Ups 10 Reps
  • Chair Tricep Dips 20 Reps
  • Push Ups 10 Reps
  • Reverse Flys 40 Reps

20 Minute Full Body Circuit #3 (Repeat 10x)

  • Push Ups 10 Reps
  • Squats 10 Reps
  • Sit Ups 10 Reps

20 Minute Lower Body Circuit #4 (Repeat 2x)

  • Jump Squats 50 Reps
  • Curtsy Squats 50 Reps  (Alternating)
  • Alternating Lunges 50 Reps
  • Squats 50 Reps
  • Wall Sit Hold for 90 Seconds

Go through circuits 1-4 and then take a 2 minute rest to catch your breath and take a drink of water.  Can be modified to fit all levels of fitness!!!

Here is continue: part 4.