Category: Blog

How To Cycle Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is a steroid of pronounced anabolic action, which is the longest testosterone ester available.  Peaking within 1-2 days after injection, the testosterone is then steadily released over the next 12 days and completely tapers out after approximately 3 weeks.  It was developed and released in the 1950s in the United States and is still very popular.   Injectable steroids Testosterone Cypionate Injection for sale $60.50 Add to cart Add to Wishlist Appearing on the market, Testosterone Cypionate cycles quickly gained popularity among weightlifters.  It has the ability to quickly build muscle mass, but it retains water in the ... Read more

How Does Trenbolone Work?

Trenbolone is an injectable steroid found on the market in three types: Acetate, Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, which vary in duration of action, commonly known as the half-life.  This piece of information becomes very valuable for those who want to cycle Trenbolone and/or any other steroid to get the maximum results. Trenbolone for Sale In addition to the various esters of Trenbolone, there is a tablet version of it, which now very rarely appears on sale and the production of which is not appropriate, because it is not popular with athletes. The thing is that the oral form of trenbolone is ... Read more

What Are The Side Effects Of Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is an anabolic steroid that can often be found in various effective combinations and cycles.  It is one of the most popular and common testosterone compounds on the market.  Most men will find the side effects of Testosterone Cypionate are very easy to avoid.  This not only applies to low testosterone patients undergoing Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) but performance athletes as well.  Most men can tolerate high levels of testosterone very well.  We have broken down the side effects of Testosterone Cypionate below: Injectable steroids Testosterone Cypionate Injection for sale $60.50 Add to cart Add to Wishlist The ... Read more

How To Get Best Results From Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the longest esters of testosterone available today.  This steroid has a half-life of around 8-12 days which is slightly longer than Testosterone Enanthate.  What this means is that once you inject Testosterone Cypionate, it takes the body a longer period of time to break it down and during the same period it is usually released into the bloodstream slowly.  The drug is available in the form of an oil solution.  Bodybuilders and athletes often stack Testosterone Cypionate with other steroids in cycles to gain quality muscle.  Injectable steroids Testosterone Cypionate Injection for sale $60.50 Add ... Read more

Amazing Anavar Results In Fat Burning

Many athletes compare every supplement they consider using to its efficiency with the popular creatine. After using a certain supplement for a few weeks, if the athlete does not see any effects or results, the athletes in most cases will stop taking the supplement because he/she considers it useless.  At the same time, some sports supplements require a different approach in the way they are administered or taken.  That’s why today we are going to look at all the results that athletes can achieve when using Anavar properly. Oral steroids Oxandrolone Tablets for sale in Propergear $97.90 Add to cart ... Read more

What Is Useful Anavar For Men?

How Anavar is Useful for Men and Women? Anavar is an anabolic steroid that can be beneficial to men.  For athletes, the fact that the substance is a nitrogen donator is very valuable.  This steroid has the ability to increase nitrogen retention in the muscle which promotes an anabolic atmosphere as reduced levels often lead to a catabolic state.  After ingestion, Anavar is exposed to special substances called NO synthases, which leads to the synthesis of nitric oxide. Oral steroids Oxandrolone Tablets for sale in Propergear $97.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist Anavar Effects On Men and Women It ... Read more

Use Of Anavar In Bodybuilding

Anavar is a DHT derivative anabolic steroid, falling under the category of DHT derived anabolic steroids.  It is essentially Dihydrotestosterone with a methyl group attached to the 17th carbon (known as C17 Alpha Alkylation), which is the chemical structural modification that allows the anabolic steroid to survive the first pass through the liver when ingested orally, and allows the anabolic steroid to be more resistant to hepatic metabolism.  It also contains a modification at the 2nd carbon of the first cycloalkane ring, whereby the 2nd carbon is removed and replaced with an Oxygen atom. Anavar is a favorite steroid among ... Read more

Clenbuterol Without Side Effects, Is It Real?

What is Clenbuterol?  Is it considered a Steroid? Clenbuterol is one of the most popular fat-burning compounds available.  Is it a steroid?  Some of you may be surprised but the answer to this question is no.  Clen does exhibits a range of actions similar to the chemicals belonging to steroids.  Clenbuterol is popular with bodybuilders the world over. It is used in cutting cycles to cut body fat.  It is also used as a weight loss pill.  The largest customers for Clenbuterol are dieters and bodybuilders.  Clenbuterol is a powerful fat burner for cutting cycles, fat loss, lean muscle retention, ... Read more

How Effective Is Clenbuterol For Weight Loss?

Fat burners, Oral steroids Clenbuterol Tablets for sale in Propergear $42.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist Clenbuterol is noted to increase muscle mass and reduce bodyfat.  In addition, it actually remains in the body with an active effect for up to about six days after consumption.  Because of these properties, it is often used as a weight loss supplement OR to enhance athletic performance.  Clen is interesting in the way that it actually works in the human body.  It is a bronchodilator which is used by people that have asthma because it makes breathing easier.  Clenbuterol has never been ... Read more

How To Cycle Clenbuterol?

Fat burners, Oral steroids Clenbuterol Tablets for sale in Propergear $42.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist We suggest that before you even consider using Clenbuterol, your bodyfat is at least 15% or lower.  For a Clenbuterol cycle the options will generally be, 2 days on/2 days off, 2 weeks on/2 weeks off and continuous use with incrementing dosing throughout.  Below we will breakdown the types of cycles for Clenbuterol: Bursting Clenbuterol Cycle: The 2 day on/2 day off method is most commonly known as the bursting Clenbuterol cycle as that is exactly what the individual is doing by way ... Read more

For That Like Testosterone Enanthate In Bodybuilding?

Injectable steroids Testosterone Enanthate for sale in Propergear $64.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist Testosterone Enanthate is a powerful steroid with high androgenic activity and duration of action. The use of this drug enriches the athlete useful properties of endogenous testosterone, normalizes the balance of nitrogen, increases appetite, develops primary sexual characteristics, actively stimulates libido, sexual activity, etc. Enanthate is the most popular form of testosterone in the world of bodybuilding, as it has a long period of action, high efficiency in weight gain and strength, as well as great practicality and profitability during the cycle. Also Testosterone Enanthate ... Read more

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: Instructions on How to Avoid Them Safely

Injectable steroids Testosterone Enanthate for sale in Propergear $64.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist Esters abound in testosterone. Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Undecanoate, Testosterone Suspension, and other esters are examples. Among all of these esters, Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most popular and effective steroids used in bodybuilding. Let’s look more closely at what makes it so special! We also have an article about different ab workout types. Read about them here. What is Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid produced from the hormone testosterone. It is a long-acting ester that is injected into the body to ... Read more

Test E Cycle, Side Effects, Results, Benefits, and More

Injectable steroids Testosterone Enanthate for sale in Propergear $64.90 Add to cart Add to Wishlist In the world of bodybuilding and steroid-use, you will find a lot of anabolic steroids that each have their respective identities, goals, benefits, side effects, and way of administration. Each steroid is unique, and each one has some benefits that could be better than others. One of these amazing anabolic steroids is Testosterone, and among its popular esters, Testosterone Enanthate, also known as Test E. This particular steroid is known for its efficiency for bodybuilding cycles, which made it one of the best Testosterone esters ... Read more

Boldenone For Sale – Five Important Things You Have to Know About It

Boldenone (a medical definition for Equipoise or Boldenone undecylenate in medical wiki) was to be a form of actually a long-acting injectable Dianabol (Metandienone or Methandrostenolone). This article will share a light on some side effects of medical Boldenone and how industry of sale of Boldenone actually works. Boldenone is basically the same hormone as Dbol is but there’s one huge difference. Dianabol hormone is 17 alpha alkylated for oral use in a form of pills and it only has an effective eight-hour half-life. Equpoise completely lacks that 17 alpha alkylated group. It has a very very long ester chain ... Read more

Tips on Your Nutrition and Rest When Cycling

This is a good article for my girl to write. She is my nutritionist and knows much more than I do about this subject and even has better discipline when it come to, hell, just about everything. So, without a do, here she is: A little bit about myself: I am 41 years old and my average weight ranges from 135-140. I am on the lean side and carry a good amount of muscle. Let’s rewind back to when I was younger. I didn’t always eat healthy although ever since I was about five I played sports so I considered ... Read more

Tips on Training When Cycling

In this article I’m going to go over some different training techniques I use depending on what I’m trying to do at that time. I will let you know whether my goal is weight gain, quality muscle gain, cutting or drying out the muscles. To have an open mind on this subject is important. For a long time I was not open minded and didn’t want to change my approach in the gym. I guess you can say that, my approach was old school. Three or four sets, doing ten reps on the first and then adding weight from there, ... Read more

Steroids from a Woman’s Point of View

This is another article that I just going to have the wife write. She has much knowledge and experience on the subject. Wouldn’t you girls out there thinking of using steroids rather hear this information come from one of the same sex. Only makes sense, right? To take steroids or not to take steroids? That is the question… And some of you may be surprised with what I am about to say. In my earlier article, I said that I competed in 2012 in a local figure competition. I was 34 at the time, weighed 117 and had about 10% ... Read more

First Steroid Cycle: Instruction How to Cycle It

If you’re new to steroids, diving in headfirst can quickly lead to disaster. We’re about to give you all you need to know about safe steroids and get you started on your first steroid cycle in no time. It’s vital to consider the strength of steroids, but like with any steroid (or drug for that matter), you’re interfering with your body’s natural rhythm. As a result, you should proceed with caution during your first steroid cycle. We’ll tell you how to boost your workouts with your first steroid cycle, as well as recommended dose, post cycle therapy (PCT), and everything ... Read more

Steroids and Your Goals

Your goals may not be the same as the next person (male or female), so we are going to go over different individual goals that people have when taking steroids. These goals depend on what the athlete wants at the current point in time and also what body type they like best. Once again, I’m going to talk real and from my point of view and experiences. The way I see it and explain it to people in the gym or anywhere else that ask me questions about what I’m doing, goes like this, “do you want to look good ... Read more

How To Decide If You Should Use Steroids Or Not?

There are a few things to consider before making the choice to use anabolic steroids. First, see if you hit your plateau with the body naturally yet. To do this you need at least a full year working out hard and if you hit that point, only then, you should choose in favor of taking steroids. Second thing to consider is your age. You don’t want to start taking them to early unless you absolutely have to. I’ll talk about what I mean when I said “unless you absolutely have to” later in this article. Lastly, to consider is going ... Read more