testosterone cypionate cycle

How To Cycle Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is a steroid of pronounced anabolic action, which is the longest testosterone ester available.  Peaking within 1-2 days after injection, the testosterone is then steadily released over the next 12 days and completely tapers out after approximately 3 weeks.  It was developed and released in the 1950s in the United States and is still very popular.  

Appearing on the market, Testosterone Cypionate cycles quickly gained popularity among weightlifters.  It has the ability to quickly build muscle mass, but it retains water in the body. Testosterone Cypionate induces changes in shape, size and can also change the appearance and the number of muscle fibers. Testosterone Cypionate is no more or less powerful or effective than its counterpart Testosterone Enanthate. The two compounds are virtually identical in every way.

Testosterone Cypionate is produced in the form of an oil solution (injection).  Due to this long-term action, it may cause more fluid retention compared to other anabolic steroids. Once in the body, the substance begins to act as a natural testosterone (a hormone that is responsible for the emotional and physical qualities of men). As a result, the output is a great increase in weight and strength.

Steroid Profile

  • It has a high anabolic and androgenic index;
  • Synthetic version of naturally produced testosterone;
  • Injectable steroid;
  • Active life up to 16 days;
  • Detection time is three months after last injection.

Benefits of Testosterone Cypionate

  • Provides an excellent increase in muscle mass and strength of the athlete;
  • Strengthens bones;
  • Helps to reduce stress on the joints;
  • Increase appetite;
  • It helps to recover after training.
  • Promotes fat loss;
  • Increases red blood cell count;
  • Improves muscle contraction;
  • Enhances metabolic activity.
testosterone cypionate only cycle

How to Make a Testosterone Cypionate Cycle?

Twelve weeks is the common length of a Testosterone Cypionate cycle, while many users also find that sixteen weeks is ideal.  There is no magic number when it comes to the length of any steroid cycle.  It depends on the individual as well as his/her goals.

Those who choose to use Testosterone Cypionate for the bodybuilding or performance enhancement often dose between 400 to 600mg per week.  This will also vary from person to person.  Experienced steroid users may use higher doses, but they are at greater risk of experiencing side effects. 

To block the action of estrogen, once the steroid cycle is complete, we recommend running a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to help restore the body and get it ready for the next steroid cycle.  Nolvadex should be used (10 mg per day, starting from the second week of the cycle and ending with its reception 2 weeks after the end of testosterone intake).  Some may also choose to use Proviron in their cycle.  After the end of the introduction of Testosterone Cypionate, Proviron should be replaced with Nolvadex to restore the secretion of its own testosterone.  The use of antiestrogens reduces the accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as inhibits the development of gynecomastia.  Be sure to read the article about Post Cycle Therapy.

If the cycle duration exceeds 4 weeks, we highly suggest the use of HCG 500 IU, 1 time per week for the entire cycle starting from 3 weeks.

how to cycle testosterone cypionate

Stacking Other Steroids with Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate can be combined with many other anabolic steroids.  Effective results will be obtained from a combination of Deca Durabolin, Primobolan Depot or Dianabol.  But in general, you need to know what you want to get from the cycle, and by stacking steroids you can get good results, but may also deal with some negative side effects. 

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